Filed under: by: arnab7889

Hurray!!!!!!!!! our blog is amongst the top blogs on
sports/ leisure category in www.fuelmyblog.com.
Currently we are in 5th position.5th position in 4 days
and 1k visitors not bad guys.
A fitting reply to all those who thought
ece 07-11 could not do anything "creative" without the
muscle power or council's backing or without
somebody challenging us to do something.
(I hope reader's
got my point :D :P)
Vote for our blog and make it no:1 in the list
Great job friends.ece ece ece :)


On April 17, 2009 at 5:35 PM , Baul Mon said...

Only voting and supporting us from outside would not be sufficient.
I hope,each of ECE would come forward and contribute "creatively".....then only this can be a Special one!!!

On April 17, 2009 at 6:00 PM , Necrobutcher said...

Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!! \m/

On April 17, 2009 at 6:55 PM , sensation! said...

ODE TO ECE...............
we will,we will rock u............ei we ta ami,ban ,sayan ba necro noy.its to all of the students who proudly say that " I BELONG TO ECE "