This song, Make Them Suffer by Cannibal Corpse was the theme song
for our Counerstrike team for Blitzkrieg 2009. Befor playing any match,
we would all listen to this song to feel inspired and focussed(although
in the end it really didnt make much of a difference(rather, none at all!!))
.However,I was pretty shocked by the positive reception to the song
by my teammates(especially Debrup!) as I really didn't expect anyone
to like it. So, I have decided that I am going to make it available for
anyone to hearthoughI am not expecting too many praises about it.
for our Counerstrike team for Blitzkrieg 2009. Befor playing any match,
we would all listen to this song to feel inspired and focussed(although
in the end it really didnt make much of a difference(rather, none at all!!))
.However,I was pretty shocked by the positive reception to the song
by my teammates(especially Debrup!) as I really didn't expect anyone
to like it. So, I have decided that I am going to make it available for
anyone to hearthoughI am not expecting too many praises about it.
WARNING:This song is heavy and brutal, some may not be able to
stomach it.
stomach it.
PS:And to all those who think that the singer makes no sense, I am posting
the lyrics below. Please try to follow.
the lyrics below. Please try to follow.
FINALLY For those who think this is garbage and that even a punk
like you could do better, think again, lamebrain
like you could do better, think again, lamebrain
All hail this godly song. \\\\m////
Awesome post mannnnn!!!!
I video along with the lyrics has made it complete and enjoyable :)
proper experince -er jonno plz uze ur headph