Life’s been a frenzied fresco
Of futile emotions,
Often overpowered by…
delusion,deceit and (self) defiance.
A dormant lifestyle begins my day………
Cigarette smoke all around –
And Kurt Cobain’s enigmatic voice,
Singing “My girl….My girl……..”
Only heightens the sense of oblivion around….
Of orgasmic dreams and psychotic rifts…
The mysterious night beckons
Soporific drugs don’t help either…..
Remained a Peter Pan at heart
And the Neverland always elluded me……….
Unpromised phone call,
A strong feeling of Déjà vu ???
Draconian debacale awaits
With it the demonic resurrections………..
A vehement vendetta of vengeance remains
With an omnipotent unrequited love!!!!
Paranoial thoughts spread
Slowly over my pretentious soul…
A deprivation of senses………..
and an applogy to those who presumed…….
Always wrapped in things,I cannot win……
Suffocated existence,
Iridescent implications……
- A mere coincidence ???
Lost in the crowd amidst –
Masked pals and peers,
Can’t really get over it …..
Lover in incognito –
Nevermind,whatsoever !!!!!!!!
good one,onekdin por