Me,myself and my Monsoon.........

Filed under: by: sensation!

With the mercury rising.

Like the red acrylic on the surface of the the lakes-

In a dash of surprise ,

the clarity of light is gone!!!!!!

Drippety drip,squish,squish........

in "comes the rain again-
drenched in my pain again "
Pluvial flyovers ,lonely Citylights
at the Park Street...........

mud-filled puddles and paper -boats -
Tillottama -Kolkatta quiet and Oblivious....

Quest for the monsoon -flower -
"Hasnuhanah " seems to be obvious!!!!!!!!!!!

Immaterial consequences of an unpromised
phone-call wean 0ff all the shortcomings of a Long-day!!!!!!!!!!!!

praying to the CESC to keep the load sheddings at bay!
The storm~winds moody madness,

And childhood's nest of gladness ..............
With Rwittik Ghatak and Meghe dhaka Tara in my mind......
and Sunil-Shakti-Samaresh on my desk....
melancholy of clouds seems so romantic!!!!!!!!!

A suicidal kid with burgeoning shower of maladies ~
straddling on to the last sinking straw
in desperate attempt for apathies!!!!!!!!
ferverently practising Counter-Strike .........
Still can't get the headshot right!!!!!!!!

Photogenic snapshots of the city sky-line......
caught on gleaming cell-phone cameras!!!!

Translucent imagery on faded linens.
depressing downpours and boisterous roads...
subtle realization of memorabilia.....
drown out all the woes in a massive spirit pool..
Bucolic tunes intrigued with fluvial thoughts.........
an outburst of all things pent -up!!!!

Loner on the verge of losing love and lust.......
promiscous procastinations bite the dust!!!!!!!!

my monsoon fiesta on the roll..........
learning the meaning of "extreme lyadhhhhh"......

Netscaping in to a virtual world
colourful kaleidoscopic images caught on a spidery web........

A flushdown of epinephrine ,unspoken ramblings....
profusely bleeding carotid artery
A Solitary Sojourner missing a melange of colour.


On July 5, 2009 at 7:03 PM , Prateeti Deb Chaudhuri said...

darun hoeche!!

On July 5, 2009 at 8:44 PM , DEB AN JAN said...

darun hoeche really darun..........

On July 6, 2009 at 10:55 AM , Necrobutcher said...

nhaice poem bhai! Keep it up!!

On July 6, 2009 at 11:53 AM , Steelbunz said...

Great! :)

On July 6, 2009 at 8:37 PM , Jubin said...

Keep it up.