Last night I was waiting for something, I don't what was that..... Still I waited for it,which I felt may turn around my life, throughout the night......long hours made me wary.... but I was sure about the intuition that also compelled me to hang on for more time........
Time passed and wait was turning to horror....... I told myself, mate relax.... outcome is going to be just excellent........ but it was too late.............. before I accredit that it's another dawn...........
I recognize that it was just another 'ILLUSION'............
What a stupid.......... I lost one full night's sleep!!!...................
kiser jonno wait korchili setai toh bolli na
Last night even I had an illusion that I was swimming in a pond filled with Rs1000 notes, but after waking up from my dream,I was very disappointed. >:[
dhur necro........din raat taka taka taka!ei jotil lekhatar mane bojhar chesta korchhi......taka taka !!!!!!!!amar barite load shedding chhilo....tai eirokom illusion hoyni amar........
ha amar illusion hoyechilo ami katrina kaif er sathe park e ghurchi
I heard in News Mr. Advani was hit by a slipper in an election rally. Is this true?
Nice post. I can relate to this one. :)