Filed under: by: Anonymous

myReview:Mirror's Edge

Developed by: EA DICE

Published by:Electronic Arts

Genre:First Person Action

Welcome to the new world of gaming with Mirror's Edge, certainly one of the landmarks in gaming history.

The games takes place in a modern day clean city. Every mode of communication is being tracked by the government. In this situation, there are "runners" who jump from roof to roof and exchange information without being tracked.

You get to play as a runner named Faith, an athlete with extreme ability. She can jump from roof to roof with minimal effort, jump from pole to pole with minimum of fuss and bla bla bla. But this game scores in its concept. It is like the first person version of Prince of Persia, though not set in historic times. If you jump, you can see your hands, legs, body behave in appropriate manner, which is unlike other games like FEAR or CRYSIS, where you can see your legs in monotonous motion. It gives you a sense of realism, hard to ignore.

Also the combat part is extremely convincing with different sorts of kicks, punches. The enemies are intelligent. Sometimes you can kill them by disarming with style, or by kicking and punching. But mind you, they have guns with them. So it is yours to decide whether to kill or just run away. If you choose to kill them, you have to dodge the bullets and kill them by going near to them. You can also carry guns. But in your HUD, it is not given how many bullets are left, leaving you with a sense of realism. It's convenient to avoid guns while moving since it makes you slow. At the end, with such huge number of different kicks and punches, you may not be able to use all of them even if you have finished the game.

Finally, with the supeb ending, you feel convincing, not just because of the quality of the game, but also because of the beautiful theme song "Still Alive", which is played at the end.

Even though a superb game, it has some flaws also. The game is shorter than an average game. The story is unclear and not-so-interesting. Gameplay is linear.

Still it is to be considered that Mirror's Edge has opened a new window in the world of gaming. I can see more games like this coming in near future. So, inspite of the flaws.......

myRating: 3.5/5


On April 30, 2009 at 9:41 PM , arnab7889 said...

awesome post buddy.eagerly waiting to play the game

On May 2, 2009 at 10:29 AM , Sayan Banerjee said...

want 2 play it... sombody please lend me a graphics card plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

On May 2, 2009 at 1:00 PM , Necrobutcher said...

Hmmmmmmmmm.........I need to steal someone's graphics card soon. This promises to be gooooood!

On May 2, 2009 at 2:28 PM , sensation! said...

je jar nijer graphix card samle rakho.necro on the hunt...........